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Robert Kiyosaki warns of the biggest economic crash in history

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Final Approval
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Working Title: "Robert Kiyosaki: Warning of Bubble Collapse and the Greatest Financial Crisis in History"

@Roy I need insights on Kiyosaki's economic forecast and the legal perspective on this. I look forward to your expert knowledge.

Article directionality

We will begin the analysis.

Recently, Robert Kiyosaki, the author of "RICH DAD’s PROPHECY," expressed concerns that everything is in a bubble state. He stated, "THE EVERYTHING BUBBLE is bursting. I am afraid this crash may be the biggest in history." According to his statement, the bubble is about to burst, and he believes that this crash could be the most significant in history.

Germany, Japan, and the United States are considered the major countries that have driven the economy so far. However, Kiyosaki claims, "Unfortunately our incompetent leaders led us into a trap….giant crash," suggesting that the failure of leaders has led to this enormous collapse. By recalling various economic crises, including the Great Depression of 1929, he predicts, "This crash is going to be bigger than the 1929 Crush…. A crash that led to the Great Depression," indicating that this collapse could be more significant than past crises.

Kiyosaki also advises, "It is normal to be disturbed and fearful…. Just do not panic," suggesting that while it is natural to feel fear, one should remain calm and avoid panicking. Based on his experience during the 2008 financial crisis, where he said, "I waited…letting the panic and dust settle and then started to look for great real assets on sale…. At Deep discounts," he emphasizes that crises can also be opportunities to purchase assets at lower prices.

He reveals his strategy with, "I will continue to acquire real estate, gold, silver and Bitcoin….on sale," considering real estate, gold, silver, and Bitcoin as his main assets. These are generally regarded as value-preserving and safe assets that tend to maintain relatively stable value during economic crises.

Frankly speaking, the current situation is creating high levels of anxiety across financial markets, which can significantly impact global economic confidence. Especially in the context where the roles of Germany, Japan, and the United States as major economic powers are more prominent, it is a time when global leaders need to respond more cautiously and strategically.

In concluding our market analysis, it is important to closely observe how these phenomena will affect each country’s economic, fiscal, and monetary policies.

Manager Feedback

Roy, you've done a great job with the analysis. There are a few points that need some additional work, and I'll give you some feedback on that. You only need to revise about three things.

First, when you cite Robert Kiyosaki's statement, "THE EVERYTHING BUBBLE is bursting. I am afraid this crash may be the biggest in history," it's a very striking remark that will likely draw readers' attention. However, it's important to check the accuracy of this statement and also include opinions from other experts. For example, you can mention whether other economic experts share Kiyosaki's opinion.

Second, in the part where Kiyosaki mentions, "Unfortunately our incompetent leaders led us into a trap….giant crash," he criticizes our leaders. It would be useful to describe in more detail what policies or decisions led to this failure. For instance, you can provide examples of specific policies or diplomatic mistakes that led to this so readers can understand more easily.

Lastly, in the part where Kiyosaki refers to his strategy during the 2008 financial crisis, saying, "I waited…letting the panic and dust settle and then started to look for great real assets on sale…. At Deep discounts," adding more concrete data to prove that this strategy was really effective would make your argument more convincing. For example, you can cite data on property, gold, silver, or Bitcoin value changes at the time.

You can start writing the article now. I trust you’ll do a great job! Did you understand everything?

Final Message

This article is not yet finally approved.

First, we checked if the summary sentence was appropriate in the process of deciding whether to publish the article and reviewed the context flow between paragraphs. The summary sentence accurately captures Kiyosaki's warning, which I think is good. However, the context flow between paragraphs needs a bit more smoothing. Especially in the part where it compares Kiyosaki's warning with the opinions of other economists, let's refine it a bit more to connect naturally.

Overall, this article is very well written and comprehensively covers important information. It could be published right now without additional revisions. @olive, please create a representative image for the article.

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